Saturday, May 31, 2014

Set # 5:Invention of Hugo Cabret

Selznick, B. (2007). The Invention of Hugo Cabret.New York, NY: Scholastic Press. Selznik's masterpiece chronicles the story of Hugo an orphaned boy living in a Paris train station. Hugo's uncle is supposed to be looking after him, but he has not been seen in sometime. Hugo is working in his place and keeping the clocks wound at the station. He has a mechanical automaton that his father left him. Alas the automaton does not work. Hugo steals a mechanical mouse from the old man who runs the curiosity shop in the station. The old man takes Hugo's beloved notebook left to him by his father. Hugo works for Mr. Melies in the hope that he will get his notebook bakc. He also makes friends with Isabel, Mr. Melies goddaughter. When Isabel steals the notebook from her godfather, Hugao takes a necklace from around her neck that looks like the key to the automaton. It works and the automaton draws them their next clue. During their adventures together they discover that Mr. Melies is a famous filmmaker that everyone thinks is dead. With the help of one of Mr. Melies' greatest fans (Mr. Tabard) they find one of his magical films and show it to the reluctant Mr. Melies. Eventually, Hugo comes to live with this small family and they attend a retrospective of Mr.Melies' work put on by the film academy. Illustrations are used to tell Hugo's story on a scale never seen before. The rich illustrations provide great insights into the story of Hugo's and Mr. Melies. Each plate could be used to create another story. It is arguable that this story could be considered historical fiction rather than light fantasy due to the actual existence of Georges Melies. The following websites are fun to explore. &

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